If you are involved in a car accident and discover that you and the other driver have the same insurance company, you are going to need to be extra vigilant about the details when you file the claim with your insurance company.
#1. Always Get All Contact Information
Just because the other driver shares the same insurance company as you does not mean that you get to skimp on collecting contact information. As a matter of fact, it is just as important that you collect all contact information. You need to get the drivers name, driver's license number, and their birthday. Next, you need their insurance company name and policy number. You also need the make, model, and year of their vehicle. If you can, you should also get their vehicle identification number as well as their license plate number, too.
You are going to need to provide all of this information to your insurance company. They will need this information in order to properly identify the policy and account of the other driver who was involved in the accident with you.
#2. Get Pictures & Write Down Details
It is still up to you to record what happened at the scene of the accident as accurately as possible. If you can, take picture of the damage to your vehicle and of the other vehicle involved in the accident. Take pictures of the surrounding environment as well, such as the direction you were coming from, the traffic signs, and the weather conditions.
If there are any witnesses to the accident, try to get their contact information so that they can issue witness statements on your behalf to the insurance company and the police. Having an outside account of what happened can be really helpful with determining who is at fault, especially when you have the same insurance company.
#3. Be Detailed & Check The Claim
When you file the claim, make sure that you are really detailed and accurate. Make sure that the person who takes your claim correctly writes down that the other individual has the same insurance company as you. Also make sure that the insurance agents write down their insurance policy number and not your insurance policy number in the place where information about the other driver is recorded.
Be sure to double check throughout the claims process to make sure that your insurance policy number is associated with your account and the other driver's policy number is associated with the other driver's information. If you run into any trouble along the way, contact a personal injury attorney.
Share13 May 2017
Hello everyone, my name is Nina Zoulon. On this site, I am going to share information about hiring a personal injury attorney. I will also talk about my journey to procuring those services for myself. When I was a beginning driver, I was on the road constantly. During one of those excursions, a driver going the opposite direction crossed the centerline and plowed straight into my vehicle. I was trapped by the dashboard for hours while firefighters helped me escape. After the accident, the other driver tried to blame my inexperience on the accident. I hired a lawyer to help me fight the case and I won. I would like to discuss personal injury attorney services in more detail to help other people win their cases in court. Thanks.