Don't Ruin Your Chances Of A Fair Personal Injury Settlement


If you've had the unfortunate experience of suffering because of a careless driver, you may be dealing with a confusing array of issues. Car wrecks can wreak havoc on your physical health, your mental well-being and your financial situation in various ways. If you aren't careful, you could allow the stress and confusion to impact your decision-making process to such a degree that you might be placing your ability to get a fair and complete settlement from the at-fault driver at risk. To get more information about these compensation compromising mistakes, read on.

1. You fail to get prompt and complete medical treatment for your injuries.

No matter how minor your accident appeared to be at first, your best bet is to seek medical attention right away. Allow a doctor to evaluate and treat you, and keep good records of any treatment. Some medical issues take time to become obvious, particularly problems like head injuries, mental trauma, pulled muscles and strains and more.

2. You fail to file suit in a timely manner.

Every state follows a statute of limitations, which places legal limits on the amount of time an injured party has to seek compensation. The actual time limits vary from state to state, but if you wait to long your case, no matter how compelling, has zero chances of being heard in a court of law. Be on the safe side and speak to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident.

4. You fail to take into account surveillance by the other side.

In many cases, the insurance company for the at-fault party will attempt to catch you doing something that you claimed to be unable to do because of your injuries. Any time you are outside of your home, you could be recorded or photographed. While it is somewhat embarrassing to limp and show signs of being hurt while out in public, be sure not to try to "power through" the pain and consequently jeopardize your case.

5. You fail to understand how damaging posting to social media can be.

While it's perfectly understandable to seek help and support from loved ones and friends after such a traumatic event as a car wreck, be extremely cautious about what you post on Facebook or other social media platforms. Your assurances of well-being prompted by efforts to spare loved ones from your misery could undermine your case.

Speak to an auto accident attorney for information about your chances for compensation.


12 July 2017

Talking About Car Accident Cases

Hello everyone, my name is Nina Zoulon. On this site, I am going to share information about hiring a personal injury attorney. I will also talk about my journey to procuring those services for myself. When I was a beginning driver, I was on the road constantly. During one of those excursions, a driver going the opposite direction crossed the centerline and plowed straight into my vehicle. I was trapped by the dashboard for hours while firefighters helped me escape. After the accident, the other driver tried to blame my inexperience on the accident. I hired a lawyer to help me fight the case and I won. I would like to discuss personal injury attorney services in more detail to help other people win their cases in court. Thanks.