
What An Auto Accident Attorney Will Do To Get You Compensated For A Brake-Checking Crash


Drivers are expected to follow certain traffic rules to keep other motorists and pedestrians safe. Some rules they're expected to follow include adhering to speed limits, using turn signals, and maintaining an appropriate distance between vehicles. When a driver slams on their brakes unexpectedly, they may cause a serious accident. If you've been involved in a brake-checking crash, contact an auto accident attorney. Here are four things these lawyers will do to get you compensated:

27 December 2022

Why You Should Retain A Truck Accident Lawyer


You really want to make sure that you are getting in touch with a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after having a collision with a truck. Too many people will make the mistake of assuming that this is just a matter for the insurance companies or that they could represent themselves in a lawsuit against the driver or the company they drive for. Before making that same mistake, you should take a little time to review the following:

4 November 2022

Dog Attack On Your Premises: Instances You May Need Legal Help To Prevent Severe Consequences


The law requires you to maintain a relatively safe environment for people entering your premises. This includes controlling potentially dangerous animals to prevent them from attacking your guests. As such, you must put up warning signs around your yard. They should boldly state that anyone accessing your premises risks suffering harm caused by your dogs. That said, your canine might still attack your visitors regardless of taking all the necessary safety measures.

13 September 2022

What Is A Signed Release Form And Why Does It Matter?


Dealing with the aftermath of a severe accident often involves numerous meetings, calls, and complicated legal forms. This process can be daunting even when you're only dealing with property damage, but it's far more stressful when injuries are involved. In many cases, you may simply want the insurance company to cover your medical bills so you can move on. Unfortunately, resolving an accident is rarely this simple, and rushing through the process can leave you without appropriate compensation for your injuries, pain, and suffering.

13 July 2022

Did A Tailgating Driver Cause Your Auto Accident?


If a tailgating driver slammed into your car at a stop sign, consult a car accident attorney today. You may be able to file a personal injury accident claim against the aggressive driver. Learn more about tailgating and how you can file a personal injury claim for your accident below. How Dangerous Is Tailgating? Tailgating occurs when someone drives too close to other vehicles on the road. Some sources recommend drivers tap on their brakes or slow down their vehicles to keep drivers from tailgating them.

14 April 2022

How You Can Use A Statement By The Other Driver In Your Auto Accident Case


After you have been injured in a car accident, you may not know how you will be able to pay for medical costs. If you are considered to be at fault for the accident, you may need to rely on your health insurance to pay for your medical bills. However, if the other party is at fault for the accident, any statements that the party makes could be used by your personal injury attorney to prove fault.

28 February 2022

When a Motorist Rushing to Beat a Red Light Hits Your Car: How to Take Legal Action


Drivers are sometimes frustrated when they are stuck at a red light. In some cases, red lights can seem to last forever and are frustrating when a driver is in a hurry to get somewhere. However, some drivers will speed or change lanes abruptly in an effort to beat a light and find themselves smashing into your vehicle. Car Accidents Are Common at Intersections A large percentage of motor vehicle accidents occur at intersections where drivers are sometimes confused over who has the right-of-way and are most likely to collide with each other.

6 January 2022

3 Types Of Business Transaction Law Services You Need From Your Attorney


Running a business usually involves a lot of complexities and transactions. If the transactions aren't done correctly, the business owner could find themself in a legal tangle. If you own a company, it is best to have an attorney on board to help with the various transactions that take place within the business. Here are three types of business transaction services offered by attorneys. Licensing and Franchising Agreements These terms are used when a company has granted permission to another business owner to use their name, logo, or likeness.

24 September 2021

Hiring Legal Services After A Construction Site Accident


Legally, employers must provide a safe working environment for their employees. Employers who fail to comply with occupational safety regulations expose themselves to legal liability and must compensate employees for injuries or illnesses sustained in the course of duty. Construction site workers are especially at risk of contracting a respiratory infection or getting injured, given the nature of the job. Usually, construction work involves lots of movement and commotion and heavy machinery, which increases worksite injuries.

10 August 2021

What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Suing A Doctor For A Birth Defect?


Obstetricians are responsible for ensuring the safe delivery of infants, but unfortunately, lapses in judgment and other mistakes can result in a baby being injured prior to or during birth. Statistics indicate that approximately 1 in 33 U.S. babies is born with a defect; some defects are caused by genetics, while some can be attributed to a physician's negligence during the pregnancy or delivery. If the parent of an injured baby wants to file a claim against their doctor for negligence, it is important to file within the statute of limitations.

21 January 2021