Protecting Your Small Business From False Injury Claims


If you own your own small store, you will be dealing with customers who visit your establishment daily. While most of these customers will not pose a threat to your business, there is the chance of someone falsifying an injury on your property in an attempt to receive monetary compensation. Here are some tips you can use to minimize the likelihood of being the victim of a false injury claim.

9 May 2017

Protect Your Interests With Full Engagement — Questions To Ask Your Attorney After A Dog Bite


Dogs have long been said to be man's best friend, but if you have an unfortunate run-in that leaves you dealing with injuries from a bite, it's important to leave friendship at the door. It may be hard to imagine dog bites as being particularly serious, but the risk of substantial injury — both physical and mental — is substantial enough that you need to be protected. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask your injury attorney after you're bitten by a dog.

3 May 2017

Should You Hire An Attorney If Everyone Agrees The Defendant Was Negligent?


Sometimes, the average individual can look at a situation and just automatically realize, "That's an accident waiting to happen." When that accident does eventually happen, it isn't unusual for a lawsuit to result -- and the plaintiff can often easily win simply because it is fairly clear to everybody involved that there was negligence involved. If it's so easy to tell that there's negligence involved, why does anyone need to file a lawsuit at all?

26 April 2017

Proving Accident Innocence? Check For Surrounding Surveillance


The world is a lot more connected now than it was in even the last decade. Cameras are attached to so many buildings, and they're often higher in quality than the old, grainy security cameras that could barely identify a person's face. More people are walking around with smartphones, and lingering information from other electronic sources are available for anyone willing to dig a little digger for context. Here are a few surveillance areas to consider if you need some innocence proof surrounding an accident.

25 April 2017

Recover Quickly With Peace Of Mind—Questions For Your Accident Attorney


A serious automobile accident can be an event that changes the course of a person's life. If you or a loved one is injured, or if you're facing the possibility of substantial liability, it's absolutely vital that you take the necessary steps to make sure your interests are protected. Perhaps the first step in that process is gathering the necessary information. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask your attorney following an automobile accident.

19 April 2017